Gentles Shutter Red - Raven, Weapon, Scarlet-W
gentWIRE-RED shutter - RED Movie Camera recording control.
Raven, Weapon, Scarlet-W (Note: Requires DSMC2 expander: Jetpack, V-Lock, or REDVOLT)
gentWIRE-RED controls record START/STOP via a wired interface on the camera. Operation is controlled from a spare channel on the deployment vehicle RC system.
For Epic and Scarlet cameras a RC channel with a toggle switch is employed for START/STOP operation. For ONE cameras a RC channel with a momentary action switch is more suitable.
Without the device the camera would be run continuously for
the entire flight, wasting memory when recording take-off,
transitions, and landing.
A red light on the unit indicates operation and can be used for pre-flight checks. In addition a yellow light flashes on gentWIRE-RED for ONE cameras to indicate the RC signal has been sent. The unit weighs only a few grams the exact weight depends on cable lengths which are custom made for
your order.